Monday, September 01, 2008

saturday night's barbeque at sheng's condo was well, to say fare thee well to wei zhen going to China. the afternoon threatened throw the party off the rooftop garden, but we managed to get it going when it slowed to a drizzle by 5. When i arrived, the VIP herself was cooking fries and nuggets, wedges were already done.funny eh. the VIP and i started the barbeque fire (when like there was only 4 of us around), and people slowly drizzled in from like 6 onwards? wasn't a big party, just a small gathering with tons of food and laughter. not that i talked much. i never seem to get really into it. so as usual, it was my place at the barbeque pit and chicken wings, although there were people offering to help, thanks! but it relaxes me when i cook, like when someone eats something that you cooked and it's good..the satisfaction satisfies me, that's why i prefer to cook, and i'll eat less(: maybe it's the two year gap between us, that i'll never really be a true crescentian and blend in.

with that aside. i can't believe i'm still sick. it's three weeks, the longest i've ever been sick for. not the i'm-gonna-die-have-to-stay-in-bed sick (although sometimes i did feel like i was going to die from coughing so much), my throat's just irritating the hell out of me. i can't run much, if not it'll get worse, i can't eat much heaty stuff, although i'm not exactly abstaining from them, it's not getting better. damn that kid at tuition who coughed non-stop and passed it on to me, whoever he is. i finished the stuff the doc gave to me within days, and on to finishing my second bottle of strepsils cough syrup. although it tastes nice, i don't exactly want to keep having to take tablespoonfuls of it everyday. it's a hassle being sick.

will you?

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