Sunday, September 07, 2008

i've got tons of things to talk about. from how beef lasagna for dinner at some coffeeshop wasn't satisfactory to how i had a heated debate with my mom about a shop opening at 7am (she argues that no CD shop would open at 7am AT ALL, and they are stupid if they open at 7, and the shopping mall itself wouldn't even be open), and.....something i wanted to mention and thought about in the bath but can't remember now.

ok, surprisingly, a trip to the bathroom made me remember. third point. i was observing my obscene fats, and how i only find them obscene is because they are growing bigger, and on a person that previously did not have that much fat before (lets put it at 5 years ago). if that's what turning into an adult is (getting more body problems and getting fatter) all about, i'd rather stay as a kid. i mean when i was young, i used to think that all kids will grow up into pretty adults, losing all the baby fat and being able to wear nice trendy clothes (think of the movie 13 going on 30.jennifer garner.) but it's kinda the opposite.

today's just...a long day. but i guess i walked off the daim cake i ate at ikea this afternoon. and the steamboat for lunch. oh i can't wait for school to reopen.

i'll post the rest later.
speed sewing!

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