Thursday, September 25, 2008

i'm too excited. but, first things first.

kris: bio was over by the time you tagged, and it was suckkay. i still have to figure out who akkarin is, and then let my imagination run wild before i join the club. oh, sadly i don't have the kickass rocker chick movie genre for you to act in. would the white witch do? except you gotta work on your mean side.

cuitian: i would love to star you in the chick flick, but you wouldn't like the role that you fit perfectly i the movie - CLUBBER GIRL (: so yea, i think your camwhore skills will come in more handy behind the camera.

travis/norman: definately screamer. i doubt i've heard you sing, don't really want to find out either.unless you're better than wen song at least (:

talking bout kickass rocker chicks, is a kickass rocker chick movie. Stick it. i believe i am overwhelmingly biased about the content of this movie due to the theme, but it is TOTALLY my favourite now. i love Weiwei's beam routine!!! it seriously rocked all the way to hell. and Haley's tumbling....oh man, i just wish i could see it in real the attitude too.

that's all i wanted to talk about. the kickass movie!

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