Thursday, September 18, 2008

ok i just feel so disgusting now. it's 7am, the time i would wake up on a thursday for school. but wait..there's no school today! so why am i up? contacts are still on, i haven't taken my bath, and i'm probably gonna get a pimple outbreak. 

ok, i WAS NOT up studying all night (it sounded like i did). i just conked out on the sofa STRAIGHT after dinner (i'm so gonna get fat like a pig if i keep doing this), and woke only at like 4.30am. i contemplated taking my bath, but the bed was just too alluring. except, it took me awhile to fall back asleep since i felt like crap. oh and guess what, i was clever enough to turn off my daily 6am alarms, but forgot to turn off the thursday alarms...which yes, woke me up at 7am when there's no school.bugger.

then it hit me. it's thursday. promos has ALREADY started. but you see, even before, during, and after the GP and chinese paper yesterday, it didn't feel like promos at all. hence the waste of energy bringing my O'sullivan Principles of Economics to school for nothing, because the time after chinese paper was spent playing tennis (: [probably the cause of my aching knees and back now] i  have a very good feeling today is SO gonna be productive....

this is the effects of putting Chinese and GP together, then playing tennis for two whole hours in the blinking hot sun.

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