Friday, September 11, 2009

well, i just found out today there's one more additional reader to my blog. everyone, let's HI another one of my ghost blog readers (:

i have been doing my best to study, to the extent of travelling all the way to school to mug in the library, then at the oasis today. finally managed to finish population for geog, and nothing much else. haiz. it's been my (& kris') future cafe that has lately been constantly bugging me. my mind has latched on to this project so tightly that i can't seem to let go of it for a second. ideas for the ideal book cafe just keeps running through my head. the decor, the menu, the themes, the chairs, the wallpapers, the mannequins, the beanbags, the cooking, the serving, the laughing, the spiral stairs....everything! sigh. and i know i won't get to start on it for at least another few years...which is the sad part.

i had another dream this morning. which caused me to wake an hour later than i should have. it was probably because i was looking forward too much to going to school to study that i dreamed about it. somehow i was with this big study group on the way to school, and this 'study group' of mine wasn't NJcians. i had the sense that they were people i met in Pre-U sem. but uh, they weren't them. The next thing i knew, i was either calling ms tay (or she called me), and that the school gate was closing already. So i'm assuming here that we're all running late, and we're in transit to take the second bus to school.(I always have to change buses to get to and from school). So, my conversation with ms tay went along the lines of her telling me the uncle was closing the gate, and me asking her if she could ask the uncle to keep the gate open for another half hour. she said she'll try her best, then an almost accusing question came out: 'do you have to study in that study group/are you studying in school with a study group?' and i said yes. and she hung up. i got the feeling that i should be studying alone, or just not study with this particular group of almost strangers. the bus came almost as soon as i got off the phone, and we all boarded the bus. i sat right at the back of the bus, in the center seat, and there were three other people on my left(which made it seem like a big bus that can hold 7 people in the back row).the guy next to me is also part of my study group. he felt like only an acquaintance, but somehow i felt really comfortable with him. he was cute and charming, but i don't even remember his face (haha..boyfriend of the future?). he knew Andrew..and it took me awhile to realize it was andrew SEOW...the funny guy in my promary school class. Cute guy knew andrew as the DIVER.(which in real life he isn't- or not that i know of, but i accepted it in the dream anyway).and then i whipped out this really cool phone! a white slide phone with touch screen, and A LOT of buttons. i'll draw it out soon, if i can remember the details, but i was really cool. the next thing i surprised myself with was, i shifted onto cute guy's lap as the bus got more crowded, so that someone else could sit down. (in reality, there isn't enough space for such a thing to happen on the bus, ever.) then i was reading my messages on my phone, from some people i'm not sure i knew, and cute guy was helping me figure out my phone. and then second revelation: person whom i didn't know messaged me was actually the cute guy whose lap i was sitting on, and his name is REI. short for Yu Hong Rei or something like that. but the important thing is! not the full name, but REI. that's the name i wanted to give to my future son (: (inspired from a manga : MARS) funny thing. i didn't know his name at the start of the dream, and it gradually unfolded for me to find out..what a nice surprise(: the bus ride ended there, and when we were at the nj sidegate bus stop, some girl went: 'let's go da-bao some dessert/ice kacang!'. and i said no, that we were already late. and i WOKE UP. an hour late. haha.

dear me, i dreamt of being late, only to be late in real life. should have woken up when ms tay called. haha.perhaps then i wouldn't have to walk in through the main gate.

two days of sweet desserts....i shouldn't crave anymore.

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