Monday, October 03, 2005 brother's just in the next room and i can just shout over to him but apparently no....we're talking to each other through's not so bad compared to those who are that lazy that yhey use their handphones to call people in the next room.

i think im gonna start on something like ' topic of the day ' thing on my blog..thought of one while walking home seemed really debatable.go comment on it.

topic of the day : do good bubble gum blowers make good kissers? ( or maybe more like french kissers )

everybody's STILL studying. it gets so annoying.seriously.i mean what's the point? you study, you forget, you go cry your sorry heart out that you're gonna fail the paper and should have studied harder.
and then it just ........................ok.forget it. all my posts have been about the exams.and people.studying.well.that's my point of view.i guess in their point of's like

' i study hard.then i get good grades.then my mama will be proud of me. i get into good university like harvard and oxford, and i get scholarship too.then i grow up and become successful so that my mama will be prouder of me (: then i die rich and happy.'

oh forget it.
hm.another thing.observed from observing people in the canteen/my very boring life and free a sociopath.oh yes..back to observation. your friends you hang out with make or break that why i don't exactly have a particular group of friends in crescent? i just observe and talk to everyone.well almost.due to some hate group.yep.but i actually like being alone at my trusty corner of the to my trusty class door.oh yes.and so i do not become or more like belong to any particular stereo typed clique.i shalll be myself .and so should you.not the sociopath part though.but you can if you want.

is anybody a masosadochistic person?that would be freaky.

hmm...that's al for you to think about today.OH WAIT>

one more.
why do parents bann you from attending training aka. your third life. aka. hockey. that is unfair and i would classify it under child suppressing something your child loves to do and even scolding them/not allowing them to attend is unacceptable. they don't know the consequences involved. like children not having any other areas in which they can vent their frustrations and stresses.that's how they can actually lead a healthy and normal stress-free life ( which is almost impossible in singapore) .speaking of healthy and normal. hockey equals to exercise and pumping blood from the heart to the rest of the keeps us fit and healthy and from becoming fat and overweight, but becoming slim and preeety like models ( possible.(: )
and then then they give unreasonable demands to allow us to continue.(not all ).but still.children may rebel more because you don't accept and support their choice f life.thus suicides and run-aways. im done (:

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