Thursday, June 19, 2008

i was thinking. if i were really to leave an exam paper blank during the CTs...i'll slip a note to the marker explaining why...

'to the script marker.
why did i leave the exam paper blank? well, you see, i always wanted to see what would happen if i left a whole exam paper blank, how it would feel and if the consequences were those portrayed in movies. plus, i'm sparing you the agony of marking a script which i have totally not studied for, thus will be writing crap in the answer sheet, while you would slowly get high blood pressure marking an agonizingly wrong script. so i'm saving you the trouble and spare your health such that you will save your time and won't have to mark an extra useless script. the scores that i might have gotten doing the exam and leaving the script blank, would have been real close, so it makes no difference anyway. enjoy marking the rest of the class's or level's scripts!
sincerely, pamela '

it'll be interesting.haha.

anyway. watched The Chronicles of Narnia 2: Prince Caspian with kris this couple seats.HAHA. sigh. watching such movies should only be done at night, not morning. because my brain went into shut down mode for at least the next 2 hours. and i was unable to grasp the motivation to study for that period of time after the movie. that's how fantasy movies make me. or most good movies. wonderful ones may shut my brain down for more than 2 hours. but the movie was great! seriously. the plot a little too straightforward and predictable i thought, but the experience was great. and prince caspian's ACCENT was HOTT. ok fine.stop avoiding the main point. his long hair plus the accent PLUS the face made him the hottest. HAHA. *i shall not succumb to fangirling...i shall not succumb to fangirling...i shall not succumb to fangirling...*

and i couldn't believe it when i stepped out of the theatre. it took me awhile to register since my brain was in temporary respite. THEY ARE BLOODY MAKING A MOVIE FOR HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3.senior year. i saw the standup-pop out cardboard models. sigh. don't they know in trilogies, first is good, second is bad, third is the best. that's what i always feel. although some just went from good, bad, worse. and i think disney's overdoing high school musical. ugh.

managed to stay at starbucks to study after parting with kris, for 5,6 hours? did math and read highly-behind human geog notes. realize i couldn't do math at all despite tuition and I'M SERIOSLY FAR BEHIND IN HUMAN G. couldn't believe i underestimated the content level. i'll never get everything read and memorized by the paper. no way.

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