Wednesday, February 02, 2005

i just saw this pri. school kid vomiting on the road just now...
he was like*walk....bleagh...take a step and bleagh again...then step and bleagh again....then just walk off.

anyway...yesterday ms lim almost killed the class.
we had mass run in the morning..then her PE lesson was bout 1 and a half hours after that.
she made us run another 4 rounds.actually 3 and 3/4 to be exact.then mass run was 2 rounds(plus we started running from the parade square=bout 1/2 round)so total was about 4km for that day itself.ran the 4 rounds in improving!!!haha
but my knee hurts at the end of the day
gowri too...and she's not in school today.
just hope she doesnt get another permanent mc for all mass runs and PE.

today's quite a bad day
got my chinese and maths paper back.
chinese...i failed worse than i failed for my worst paper last year.
my zao ju and cloze passage were the worst.compre at least i got more than 10 marks.
and for my maths paper...i had to lose 4 marks due to carelessness again.
the rest were just my stupidity.

the class concert isn't coming along that well coz not many people's joining.
the sale has too many people joining out of laziness.

well...noo one has found my wallet....return to me...
sighx.replaced my card and im broke.

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