Friday, July 23, 2004

yay!!!!i wanna thank angie and eunice for buying me that reaallly nice sling bag from montip today :D altho a few people have it i still think itz really nice.whee.marion was there with her boyfriend[harbourfront].classes ended at 1pm today!!!so happy.well..first we followed her to redhill, then we went to harbourfront.they went there too.we were ahead, we wanted to let them have their own we went to macs.they joined us awhile later.yup..then we went window shopping..with my pockets realllly empty.uh huh .i like manny manny things from montip..really nice stuff well as [gift a name].hee.saw polly at harbourfront with her friends too.oh..and there's this guy who called me on my handphone and sang 2 lines of 'happy birthday' before hanging up.dont noe who.well..everybody doesnt seem to noe when my birthday really is....itz 29 july!!!!
school was fine today...could use the tablet in almost every subject fun...can listen to music at the same time.but we dont really have the internet cant go on msn in school.had a geography 'test' siow said we could flip through the textbook for answers..haha.i dont think thats even a test.ha.
well...tomorrow's the biiiiig day!!!yup...gonna be soo fun !!!!
can't wait to see you

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