Saturday, January 30, 2010

Loves geog. Loves the Geog class. Loves Tea Party and loves taboo.
Had such a great time tonight, with tons of laughter that I couldn't have had for weeks. MISS YOU GUYS TOO MUCH, and it's making me miss NJ!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The syndrome has hit me again, the one where I get bored of things really fast and want to move on to the next thing. It's been exactly a month, if i count the first day as training. I've settled down, taken on more roles, have tried new methods, but still am rushing against the clock everyday. Overtime is a lesser occurance to me now, that means I go home earlier, and lesser pay. Still, I feel obliged to work at the bakery even though well, I'm just going nowhere, it's been preventing slowing me down from doing many things I've planned to do a long time ago, and the pay is always on the edge of my mind. It's human nature to keep comparing with others, but the passion for baking has been subdued since a few days ago. I guess we'll have to wait and see if it really gets to the point where my mind is constantly on quitting thoughts, meaning that I really don't like my job anymore. My body's probably taking a beating from all the lack of sleep (almost the same as those long-lost school days), hockey and little rest time there is in between my schedule, but i'm still wishing I had more time for LIFE.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's been such a long time since I stank so badly.
And I'm sure to be aching from neck to calf tomorrow.
But it was fun (:

Work wise, I've seen a new person come in, and is leaving already. Yes, it's a repetitive job, and I guess for one who is trained in the wider arts of pastry, this job is like an A level student doing PSLE. Anyway, my job, really is all about multi-tasking. AT A SUPER LEVEL. You've gotta put bread in and out of the oven to bake, note the time for bread proofing in the oven, anticipate which breads are going to run out in 2 hours time and do it ahead, and KEEP COUNT. Yes, that's a pain in the ass, the counting. Slows everything down, but I guess we've gotta keep track. Yes, multi-tasking and time management, plus doing things as fast as possible without burning or over-proofing any breads, cutting inconsistently, knocking things over, or burning yourself. That's my job. And I just worked 2 consecutive 12-hour shift days[about there] on nichiyoobi to getsuyoobi. Subarashi ne? Tsukareta e.

I've had two dreams the last week. Which I managed to remember because I typed them down on my phone when I woke up. But I won't go into detail [tsukareta karadesu]. One took place in America-San Francisco, where me and my family were stuck in some building amid a hurricane storm that trapped us in. And the other, was about ant infestations, and Val's golden retrievers - Coco and Angel with some other mutt, chasing me somewhere.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It's been a long time since I last felt like this.
Lonely. Helpless.
I can't believe I forgot about dinner tonight. Yes, there was the stupid stomachache thanks to the cold milk I drank in the afternoon, but that's still no reason to forget meeting my precious teammates right. Sigh. Just hearing them through the phone made me regret how much fun I could have with them and how much I actually miss my the team (yes, those in question reading this, that's how much I miss you guys to declare it out loud!) Coming home alone to an empty house while I knew I could have been out having fun just caused my mood to plummet a little further. Perhaps this is what it'll be like when I move out (or go overseas) and start living alone. Really lonely it is.

Helpless, because no matter how hard we wish for the situation to get better, nj hockey is in its pits. I really hate saying it out loud, but it seriously puts me in such a depressed mood just thinking about it. Thanks to my awesome job with awesome working hours, I can't go back to help them at all, if there's even anything at all I can help with to get them out of those dire straits. As a previous captain with an attachment to nj hockey for 4 years, it hurts to watch like a captain of a sinking ship. I can only pray for a miracle in hockey enrollment numbers for this year's J1s now, because only that can save the hockey future.

I really don't wish to regret my decision to take up my current job as a baker, but sometimes it's really trying to compare my passion for baking(and the current job scope is still a little off from what I really want to do) against the long hours, labour intensive, less than average pay which robs me of much of my time to pursue other things. I still want to carry on with my jap classes, need time to study for each lesson, go for hockey trainings, participate in u21 tournaments, go out with my friends till late, take driving lessons, pack my room...and the list goes on. But it's almost impossible to carry out all these with 1 and a half days of free time a week, since i'm just too tired at the end of each day to do anything else. Again, I'm not good with disappointing other people, especially when they've become such good friends of mine. It's really determination from here on.

I had such a weird dream last night. But due to my short-term memory, I can't recall it. I remembered it in the morning, but to retain it till now, is almost an impossible task. I just know that it was pretty intriguing.

Ah yes, now before I forget, to pen down my memories of last tuesday night [5/1/10]. The post-A levels 6C reunion gathering. Andrew, Liak aka John, Wei Hong, Christopher, Zestin, Matthew and all of WISHES turned up. Four others we were expecting didn't turn up due to various reasons, but it was interesting enough to see some people again. Dinner was at The Pit, an open air restaurant cum pub cum cafe just below 2am:dessertbar in the corner of Holland Village. Food I have to saw was good, and of pretty big portions, so it was pretty worth the price. The girls shared a full slab of Baby Back Ribs, Chish and Fips (Fish and Chips), and Hot Wings, while the guys went for the huge burgers and beers. It was mostly exchanges of stories of our lives, and pleasant conversation, but there was a little sadness 'I would say, because we all didn't want the night to end. Nikki was leaving for America the next day for who knows till when. Dessert was at the Daily scoop, the branch at Chip Bee Gardens. It was closing already, so I couldn't have my waffles, but the staff were nice enough to let us have ice cream and sit about till about 10.45pm (when its supposed to close at 10pm). After ice-cream, a few of us started leaving for home, while we had a plan to chill a little at starbucks, but that didn't happen. Dickson turned up, some others left, and then, they adjourned to Andrew's house, again. No, sadly I didn't go cause my parents were already on the way to pick me, and so I was left alone at Hollang V, and missing out all the extra catching up, thanks to work the next day again.


I am afraid. Of what's to come in a little less than two months time.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm really tired. But i still feel the need to type out my thoughts, because I don't think I'll have the chance to do so anytime soon again.

Thursday was a bad day.
Friday was japanese-y.
Saturday was long and tiring.
Sunday was, finally normal.

I just made lasagna. For a monday lunch feast in the workplace (:
I burnt close to a hundred pieces of bread (they were just overbrown, but had to be thrown away), due to my short term memory; had to do overtime for close to two hours because a baker didn't show up and I had to cut and roll out wassants practically alone (till kind rachel came and help, and shaun too); and because of overtime, I couldn't go to bukit batok driving centre to enroll for driving theory test - hence the bad day.[there was more events I believe, but can't remember the less significant ones.]

I had a half day on friday as I had jap class. hooray. But I didn't get to eat lunch before the class, due to my own mismanagement. Takeyama sensei went really fast during the ressun [lesson], so I could barely absorb what she was teaching. Had lunner at McCafe with XM and Trudy, while trying to revise the ressun.

I went for crescent hockey training on saturday, hence my muscle aches and the cause of my tiredness. Still had to work OT, this time even with the extra baker around, was because we didn't follow the schedule. Long-day-Saturday it was. Oh yes, most importantly, was lunch. Had lunch with Kris, at Crystal Jade. We weren't hungry, and wanted dimsum. Yes, so we ate Crystal Jade during our hour lunch break, and us not knowing it was the expensive branch, walked in the restaurant in jeans and t-shirts. haha! And, the next table was interesting throughout lunch, with two metro guys amusing us with their conversation about brazilian waxing and free haircuts, among other topics. We couldn't stop laughing at them, while trying to eat 'little dragon buns' and exclaiming how wonderful they tasted just to hide our laughter XD

Sunday. Went well, with no mishaps, thankfully. And I managed to leave almost on time! Had dinner with Rachel, Shaun and Kris at the hawker centre, and had a lovely chat about people at work (yes, it may be rude, but amusing).

I'm also home alone. Again.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

i'm supposed to be running now. I mean, supposed to have ran just now. But instead i'm just here blogging, like a lazy ass. I even set my alarm to wake up early to go run, but my body knowing that it's my off day, decided to ignore it and sleep on till 10.30am. I thought, maybe I still could go run. But no, the Sun started blasting itself at full power on the Earth. So much for keeping up fitness for u21 that's starting soon. I mean, since my day offs are the only days I can run. or even play hockey.

My work life is my life now. Mostly. Waking up every morning, putting on a pair of jeans and a random shirt, then off to work. I like my work, despite it being mostly routine baking. I guess I find solace in doing things that I am familiar with? I'm just hoping right now that standing for 9 hours a day is helping me keep my fitness up. haha. Besides jap classes (which are starting in 3 hourstime (: ) and uh, trying to squeeze in some hockey matches, there's been little space left at night for dinner with people. Managed to drop by val's on sat for a supposed sleepover, had a great dinner, played Wii DDR watched the first ten minutes of He's just not that into you before I had to go, since there's work in the morning. Sigh. 

For my 2010 year so far [though it's only 5 days], I've got one complaint already- WE'RE PAYING ADULT FARE, as of 1st jan 2010. Grr. my 39 cents MRT trip for two stops is now 95 cents. That's about two bucks a day for travelling to and fro work :/ I see my income being rapidly drained away from me. Perhaps, that's one of the things I took for granted as a student.

Class reunion of 6C'03 tonight. woots! It's gonna be interesting (:

UGH. enough already.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

i'm just too tired and grouchy to blog now :/

Friday, January 01, 2010

For eighteen years, I start my new year in front of the TV. This year was no exception. At least I was clean as just I stepped out of the bath, it was at 3.....2.....1....HAPPY NEW YEAR!
happy 2010 people!
good bye to 2009, a year of change for me. to forget past worries and troubles, to count my blessings, and uh, look towards the future?

Yep, and I'm working tomorrow. So good nights. Hope I don't burn a finger again at work.