Sunday, August 30, 2009

" Here i am, stuck at a pavillion beside the singapore river during my once-in-a-blue-moon morning run. Did a 20 min run in my new shoes, and then stopped to seek shelter. Alas, the rain got heavier as i did my stretching. 20mins of run to 1 hour of stretching and some non- commital conditioning exercises. I need to lament on my loss of the flexibility i was so proud of as well.I haven't had my breakfast, and my tummy's starting to protest.

But sitting isolated just watching the rain can be therapeutic...or so how i'd like to think it is. You see some hard core runners drenched running past, and the beauty of the private houses by the river. Oh how much i'd like to live in one of these apartments overlooking the albeit not-so-clean river. I counted the number of floors there were, 40. Next to it is a rather rectangular-ish 9 storey apartment. And next to that is another private development under construction. Imagine, waking up to a rainy sunday morning like this(or sunny if you prefer), making some hot chocolate or juice, then lounging on the balcony overlooking the river. Depending on the weather- rainy or sunny, the time of day- morning or night, the company- with your thoughts or a loved one. Such bliss it would bring.
But blissfulness comes with a price. As always.

But just standing around in the rain while i should be studying is a little disconcerting. The river...despite the increase in volume from the rain, and lesser frictional drag from the smooth sides, the discharge is still rather slow. As compared to surface flow on the pavement, the discharge is much higher due to a steeper gradient and eddies are created by the disruptions to water flow. Now standing between two buildings, the Venturi effect is taking place, with wind being funnelled through a narrow space. Wind velocity is increased with turbulence as the pillars are this time disrupting air flow.

I think i'm being a sitting duck to mosquitoes right now. But i still don't regret not accepting my parent's offer to pick me up from my current location an hour ago when the rain got heavier. I'll grab whatever alone time i can have with nature.

Oh F that asshole who just walked in and lit up. ASSHOLE.

Now's the time for me to seize the chance to run in the rain!" - 10.20am

i've had my morning run, my breakfast, my bath, read Lifestyle, and it's noon. Time to move on to my studies.

and one last thing... THE TIME TRAVELLER'S WIFE IS COMING OUT IN MOVIE THEATERS ON 3RD SEPTEMBER. dang, i so wanna go and watch it....

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