Monday, September 12, 2005

wth..i mean im like watchinig disney channel in chinese now. and the tv's on, so is my tablet, and my hair is wet, i see lightning right outside my window, thunder can be heard almost straight after the lightning which means that im really close to the lightning, means im in very big danger of getting lightning striked. right?means i have a chance of dying any exciting.
today we had hockey.freaking sec ones didn't bring the cones, which means 20 puch ups for terribly lucky nordin was in a relatively good mood the tee shirts, not as big as i thought...after i went home to try it on.oh....and just now when i was asking for water, yu sheng passed me her bottle, coz its the nike squirt one...i tried to squirt, but no.....then cap had to be loose and that's how i got drenched.even though my shirt was already wet, it was even wetter.

ahhh..i need people to buy my shirts!

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