Friday, September 30, 2005

ah.just watched a sad/happy ending it was. i mean like its those olden english movies where they speak between shakespear-ean english and the today proper english. i don't think anyone understands that.but nevermind.
apparently i've been watching movies all week. let me list them out.
-miss congieniality 2 (monday)
-shall we dance (tuesday)
-a series of unfortunate events(thurday)
-les choirestle(thurday - CA lesson)
-some movie i didn't see the title on star movies.(the one im referring to ^)

i've still got a few more titles to watch soon (:
and did i mention today was my final year english paper? i don't think i did? did i?
oh well .no biggie right?
it's just a final year paper (:
and i sucked at it. ain't that great? and there's still the chinese paper coming's stilll some other papers i can't remember next week too.well...we can always study later.
*note the cheerful voice with the matching smile *

oh and we're gonna have a class chalet in november.i wonder how that'll go.
goodbye (:

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