my morning started early at 6, having to attend SRC School's annual 4-a-side hockey carnival at padang. Alicia and Yeeni were late, and both cabbed down. haha. alicia only woke up when we called her house phone..
>*ring ring*
>"Hello, may i speak to alicia please?"
> *somewhere in the house* "JIE JIE!"
30 sec later....
>"uh huh..."
>*hang up*
haha. it was rather funny. the carnival itself went rather well despite the unrelenting sun, and the short period of rain (which the carnival did continue under). I slipped and fell on my first match, earning me another graze on my left hip and left elbow. did i mention i hated playing hockey on a grass field? I HATE PLAYING HOCKEY ON A GRASS FIELD. but it wasn't so bad, since i didn't fall anymore for the rest of the running carefully. haha. we thought we'll get through to the second round, but all wins except for 2 losses against RJ and NYP booted us out. it was quite close, but we felt a little relieved at being able to go home early? haha. juniors er, lost all except one of their matches, against MI. well, at least they're learning and it's a fun experience (: junior guys....didn't bother to watch. haha.
vinnie and i then went into the SRC premises to shower before joining the rest at The Food Place in Raffles City. Just another food court, with prices starting from $4. even sugarcane juice was $2.10 when I can get it at Redhill food centre at $1! oh wells.
I left early to go shopping with my mom, technically, just to buy a white blouse that i need to wear under the bloody red blazer during pre-u sem. plain white collared shirt..should be rather easy to find right?? WRONG. Robinsons, Marks and Spencer, G2000...all either had ruffles, are short sleeved, had colours, or didn't have my size. My mom then suggested Liz Claiborne, which didn't sound very high-classy like the rest of the shops existing in raffles city, so we just went. wrong again. one shirt/pants/dress there is NORMALLY at least $100. like er.... but my mom started shopping..for herself. haha. ok fine, half the store was on sale. but still. in the end we bought 3 items, one of which was a white shirt for me, with uh, pockets on the front and the nj-uniform thingy on the shoulder, but i thought it was rather nice and can be worn outside too. $20 discount from the original price still wasn't very cheap. heh. in the end, we still had to go over to ngee ann city's G2000 branch to get that white shirt (they called to check that they had my size first), and guess what...they DIDN'T. but luckily i could fit into the size 40, so we bought it anyway, at less than half the SALE price of my first shirt. oh wells.
but in total, shopping at Liz Claiborne, Watsons, Marks and Spencer, G2000 and KFC, i think my mom spent over $400. i feel a little guilty at that. which brings me to my next point...

there was a QUEUE to get into LOUIS VUITTON boutique. like wow. but it didn't stop there. same went for Kate Spade, Chanel, Hugo Boss...which would require you to part with at least a FEW hundred bucks even WITH the great singapore sale. perhaps it's just from the viewpoint of a money-conscious teenager, who isn't employed nor earning any income, thus the big reaction over such a scene. but a crowded orchard road on a saturday evening...shows good signs of the improving economy. i guess.
today..well i woke up early enough, to go grocery shopping with my mom (so much little time..) at my favourite shop..Sheng Siong! ok, maybe not my favourite since it doesn't stock some of the ingredients i like to use, but close enough with having cheaper goods. anyway, shopping with the purpose of stocking up snacks for pre-u sem next week.hehe. and i came home...and decided to go local today. been having a craving for this for awhile now. ENJOY!
ondeh ondeh/oneh oneh (whichever spelling it is)

well, i can't wait to get started on Pre-U sem, with the next five days of supposed fun, and having a single room to myself (: see you next week people!