Monday, May 07, 2007

today was fun. the world of make believe on college day off-in-lieu.
while everyone else except for njc-cians had to go to school and endure a day of mindless teaching, the part of the njc hockey team went down to delta for a last minute training session.
delta was bloody hot. thanks to the morning sun. im glad i haven't got a burn yet. but a faint tan line as compared to siya. nice shower at delta's finally heater equipped toilet which was redundant today, and off to ikea for lunch. oh and i seriously better start training up SLOWLY. patient is a virtue to my knee because i just hate the pain and consequence after for the next two days.
yes. lunch at ikea.filling.VERY filling.terriyaki chicken and meatballs for me, the rest had similar items or poached salmon. ikea just loves to carbo-load its customers and the hockey team thanks them.
the start of the new world. frogs, horses, rats, octopuses to name the few which took over first, then some just left our world to go back to reality where the shopping sales are.another pleasure. after they parted, the rest of us went shopping - for a comfortable sofa to put in our hockey room to accomodate the team. (an excuse really. and if you still don't know what the excuse is - tired hockey girls after training in a friendly furniture store..) but we ended up in karen's living room, which bei xi's was next to hers, and aleee's next to bei xi's, michelle's (and aaron's and tuckwen's) next to aleee's, mine next to michelle's bedroom. i never knew my living room was so black and classy, with a flat screen tv and drinks bar/table . but i like my living room although i only lived in it for 15 mins. went on to karen's other house, which homeless jia yun was staying in, before saying goodbye to our new found houses.

how i wish it were reality. designer living rooms and us staying next to each other.make believe takes you away from reality for a period of time, takes you away from your pains. and going back to reality from there, will be even more painful than it seemed before.
i really need to start doing my work.

if you could see me now - cecelia ahern.

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