Sunday, March 19, 2006

exactly a week not posting.well about in an hour anyway.
sorry to disappoint you teresa, but i wish i could be less pathetic in my posts if i had more time and interest.

march holidays my week needs fun. i haven't started on any homework at all...there's 2 projects to be done concurrently, it's SUNDAY night, im tired from today's ass match against SRC, i only went swimming and played tennis ONCE. i didn't go out for shopping or any leisure outside my house.prick week i tell you. and im not even sure if it would be the same if i were in crescent or even henry park secondary school. well..that's what we were all missing when we left hpps.but if i didn't come to njc ip, i wouldn't be meeting these people i see in class everyday, or even those in experiences = new friends. no risk = no friends.such nice equations.another one.with o levels = stress. with no o levels = isn't it like...o levels = no o levels = stress?not possible to say that having o levels is the same as not having o levels.because theoretically that is not possible.just like math equations, what seems simple is always complicated.back to my week. it was so damn short!and yet i felt so free.and boredom included.

lets see what the next week will bring.

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