Sunday, April 10, 2005

now i know why i never blog much bout' my feelings.
because i forget them.
i try to remeber to blog about it when i get home..then i will forget...sighx.

oh yea...i wanna thank bernette for her really nice cupcake (:


and the school's wireless net is damn irritating now.
they kinda like banned out friendster, blogger, all the sites and many more...
oh yea...and msn messenger
i feel so restricted.
there's no more chance to blog during boring lessons anymore.

my famiily's trying out the speaking mandrin at home thing now..
which isn't reallt successfull..coz my dad isn't really that good at it...and my mom's making a rule that only she can speak english at home.-_-
and she uses the dialects i can't understand a word she's saying.

i wanna change my layout.
make my own .
but i have no theme in my head.
and i can't make one like that.
and dreamweaver's no help at all.
i like edward's layout though..itz all solid but transparent.
but now on blogskins, all of them are the linky type of layouts.
which are kinda irritating.

i think my maid's trying to make me FAT.
all the food are reallt oily and in really big portions.
she thinks that i need to eat that much.
and i will finish it coz i will feel oblige to .
then i will get soo full..i fall asleep.
and thats when all the food becomes my blubber.
and then i'll look like some fat ass shit head.

i need a full time saturday tennis parter.
my saturdays are just watching tv, pigging out, and using the comp.
i have no interest in my homework [ like i ever do]
and everyone's too busy to go out with me.
and im always broke anyway.
my pocket money is insufficient for me to go out.
or even by the things that i need besides food.
and i need a shoe bag.asap.
my shin guards are stinking up my school bag.

sighx...better get to my maths noe before my parents get home.

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