i am seriously SLOW in doing my work now. i take a whole SUNDAY meaning about 12 hours to finish a chinese compo which i think is of crappish quality. (includes having tuition and watching high school musical 2 in between and dinner) haiz. my handwriting speed and thinking speed is probably slow too that causes time to fly so fast.
when i'm at home stoning / reading / NOT DOING WORK basically, time flies. and when i'm in school or doing something i dread, time SLOWS. well, it applies to almost everyone i guess. so little time as they always say.
well, for a reflection on my past week. all i can say that it FLEW past, with me reading at least six new mangas, did practically VERY LITTLE work as to what i should have done, and no revision at all. i have no self discipline, no self control, which i have accepted in myself and trying very hard but failing in changing. oh wells. EOYs are just here in a month, so BUCK UP ME.